Avocados for Weight Loss

This Fatty Fruit Can Boost Metabolism and aid in Weight Loss

Avocados are nutritionally dense, and they are a good source of vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin B6,copper and folate. They are a good source of dietary fiber as well, the total dietary fiber content of fresh avocado fruit of the Ettinger variety is 5.2 g/100 g, of which approximately 75% is insoluble fiber, and 25% soluble fiber. Fiber intake is inversely associated with body weight and body fat.

Avocados contain all of the nine essential amino acids, even though not in the ideal ratios, which makes them a complete protein food. Replacing animal protein, which is usually high in saturated fat, with vegetable protein can help maintain and lose weight.

A typical avocado contains 30 grams of fat, but 20 of these fat grams are beneficial monounsaturated fats that help speed up the basal metabolic rate when compared with saturated fats.

It is the avocado high fat content that has led to the myth that avocados are fattening and for that reason should be avoided in low calorie diets. However, in a study of 61 overweight and obese men and women, it was concluded that the intake of 200 grams per day of avocado as part of a low calorie diet doesn’t compromise weight loss when substituted for 30 grams of mixed dietary fat like oil or margarine.

How To Select And Cut The Perfect Avocado Infographic

Infographic by: Heart Health Initiative

For more information on Heart Health, visit: Healthy Hearts

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